
Shailesh Lodha poem on Maa

कल जब उठ कर काम पर जा रहा था अचानक लगा कोई रोक लेगा मुझे और कहेगा खड़े-खड़े दूध मत पी हजम नहीं होगा दो घड़ी सांस तो लेले इतनी ठंड कोर्ट भूल गया इसे भी अपने पास लेले मन में सोचा मां रसोई से बोली होगी जिसके हाथों में सना आटा होगा पलट के देखा तो क्या मालूम था कि वहां सिर्फ सन्नाटा होगा अरे अब हवाएं ही तो बात करती है मुझसे लगता है जब जाऊंगा किसी खास काम पर तो कोई कहेगा दही शक्कर खा ले अच्छा शगुन होता है कोई कहेगा गुड़ खा ले बेटा अच्छा शगुन होता है पर मन इसी बात के लिए तो रोता है कि मां सब कुछ है सब कुछ जिस आजादी के लिए मैं तुमसे सारी उम्र लड़ता रहा वह सारी आजादी मेरे पास है। मां बचपन में टोकती है यह मत कर वह मत कर यहां मत जा यह मत खा यह मत पी उसके साथ मत बैठ तब हम आजाद होना चाहते हैं और आजादी की कीमत क्या कि जिस आजादी के लिए तुझसे मैं सारी उम्र लड़ता रहा सारी आजादी पास है फिर भी ना जाने क्यों दिल की हर धड़कन उदास है कहता था ना तुझसे कि करूंगा वह जो मेरे जी में आएगा आज मैं वही सब कुछ करता हूं जो मेरे जी में आता है बात यह नहीं है कि मुझे कोई रोकने वाला नहीं है बात है तो इतनी सी सुबह देर से उ...

#Human Body Facts

       👉Some important FACTS about body👈 1.  Number of bones-206 2. Number of Muscles-639 3. Number of kidney-2 4. Number of milk terth- 20 5. Number of ribs-24 (12 pairs) 6. Number of Heart chamber-4 7. Largest Artery-Aorta 8. Normal blood pressure-120/80mmgh 9. Ph of blood-7.4 10. Number of vertebrate in spine-33 11. Number of vertebrate in neck-7 12. Number of bones in middle ear-6 13. Number of bone in face-14 14. Number of bone in skull-22 15. Number of bone in chest-25 16. Number of bone in arms-6 17. Number of muscles in human arm-72 18. Number of pumps in heart- 2 19. Largest Organ-Skin 20. Largest gland-liver 21. Biggest cell-Female ovum 22. Smallest cell-Male sperm 23. Smallest bone-Stapes 24. First transplanted organ-Heart 25. Average length of small intestine-7m 26. Average length of large intestine-1.5m 27. Average weight of new born baby-2.6kg 28. Pulse rate in one minute-72 times 29. Normal body temperature- 37degreeC 30. Average blood volume- 4...

No men belong to other country

        No men are foreign                Summary of the poem The poem no men are foreign is a poem written by James Kirkup. In this poem poet says that all men are equal throughout the world. In 1st stanza the poet says that every man is like the other🏃🏃🏼‍♀️ men. No men is strange every country men's own country not a foreign. The uniform changes but body ☠️ beneath remains the same. The land on which our brother walk upon are like ours. This the earth🌍 on which we all lie. In 2nd stanza the poet says ,the people who are starving long ⛄ winters in wars are fed by peaceful harvest which is because of sun ⛅, air 🍃 and water 🌊. The hands 👐 which are used in wars and harvest 👩‍🌾 are same. Their labour are not different from ours. In 3rd stanza the poet reminds us that every men has same eyes 👀 that wake or sleep. Every men have the strength that can be won by love ♥️. In every part of the land there is a common life...


Trishul -It is a short range surface-to-air missile developed by India as a part of of the Integrated Guided Missile Development programme and has a range of 12 km. It was include into service in 1999. Agni- It is an intermediate range ballistic surface to suface  missile with a range capability up to 2,500 km. It was first test fired in 1989.Agni missile is divided into three types-Medium range ballistic missiles-Agni 1; Intermediate range ballistic missile- Agni II, III and IV; Inter continental ballistic missile-Agni V and VI.  BrahMos- The BrahMos is supersonic cruise missile, which has been jointly developed by Russia India's DRDO. The operational range of BrahMos missile is 300-500 km. It's name comes from the Brahmaputra and Moskva rivers.  Akash- It is a medium range multi -target mobile surface-to-air missile, with a range capability of 30 km. It was successfully launched in 1990. Prithvi- India's first indigenously built tactical surface-to-surface short- range...


                          A cat and a sick Hen One day, a hen was not feeling well. She said so in a loud voice. A cat was wandering around for her prey. She heard this and thaught,"This is the chance, I will make an excuse that I have come to see her and become friends with her. Getting a chance,I will eat her up quickly." So with this evil thought in mind,she went to the hen amd said politely, "Sister! I heard that you are sick. If this is true you should come to me. I will entertain you with some of my funny jokes and you would feel better." The hen was very wise. She understood her craftiness. She said,"thanks for your sympathy. But if you leave me alone , I will think that I am cured."                             Moral: Nobody respects an unwanted                          gues...